Coat Drive Benefitting AIDS Healthcare Foundation

A local Pride organization partnered with Out of the Closet Thrift stores, which benefits Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Called to help the community and bring AIDS awareness to the forefront Kay&L created social media graphics to promote this effort in addition to creating and distributing coat drive flyers to our local West Seattle businesses, raising a greater awareness for this coat drive campaign.

With the help of our amazing community the coat drive was an absolute success, Out of the Closet Thrift store filled up their truck with an outpour of donations from our loving West Seattle community.

Thank you West Seattle!!

See the behind-the-scenes video we created during the coat and clothing pickups at each participating business. Read more about the 1st Annual Coat drive written by Seattle Gay News.

The flyer Kay&L created and distributed throughout West Seattle

Lumberyard Bar, one of the coat drive donation pickup stops